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7 Things Plumbers Say You Should Never Pour Down a Drain

Sometimes we pour things down the drain without a second thought. Other times, we do it and realize we shouldn’t have after its too late.

Pouring the wrong things down a drain can lead to a plumbing nightmare.

You can avoid a plumbing disaster with a little knowledge. There are some things you should never pour down a drain.

Take time to understand why certain things are so detrimental to your pipes and you’ll save yourself time and money repairing the problem. Not to mention, a plumbing emergency that can wreak havoc on you home’s other systems and your foundation.

If you’re a homeowner, you need to become a drain expert. Learn how to avoid inconvenient and costly backups or pipe damage, and bigger potential issues.

Prioritize your pipes so they provide you with years of perfect use.

 1. Grease 

builds up inside pipes and can clog them. Greases like those from meats, and oils like coconut oil, cool when they solidify, which can clog pipes.

If you run hot water down the drain, you might melt the grease but it will just settle somewhere else and cause a clog.

To prevent pipe problems, let grease cool and then throw it in the trash.

 2. Coffee Grounds 

Don’t empty your k-cup, French press, or coffee filters in your sink. Throw them in the trash or use them as nourishment for your plants (coffee grounds are acidic and boost soil acidity, providing nutrients and deterring pests). You an also add them to compost.

Coffee grounds, even a little, can build up over time.

 3. Egg Shells 

Can cause major blockage, even little pieces of shells. They can get stuck on gunk in your pipes and their sharp edges will catch other pieces of kitchen refusing, turning a small buildup into a major clog.

Toss them into the trash or your compost bin.

 4. Fibrous Foods 

Cooked pasta, potato peels, broccoli, and other fiber-rich foods, once broken down, love to cling to the inside of pipes. The fibrous material will build and build until its formed a clog that will be difficult to deal with.

Throw these foods in the trash or compost bin.

 5. “Flushable” Wipes 

It may be obvious that you shouldn’t throw flushable wipes into a sink, but experts advise that you NEVER flush them down the toilet. They don’t break down easily and can get caught on anything clinging to the inside of your pipes, causing an even bigger mess and a huge backup that will likely be costly.

Ignore what the label says and don’t flush; throw these wipes into your bathroom trash and then outside.

 6. Paper Products 

Toilet paper is the only paper product that should go in the toilet. It is designed specifically to disintegrate in water. Even soft tissue paper can clog your pipes. And, definitely no paper towels, cotton balls, make-up pads, or other bathroom-oriented paper products.

Properly dispose of these items in your bathroom trash and then in your outdoor trash receptacle.

 7. Feminine Hygiene Products 

Do not flush personal hygiene wipes, tampons, maxi pads, or other feminine products down the toilet, even if they say they’re flushable. Dispose of these items in your bathroom trashcan and then in your outdoor trash receptacle.

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